Friday 22nd of March
20’30 h. Church of San Jaime. Announcement of the Holy Week.
Sunday 24th of March, PALM SUNDAY
11’00 h. Church of Nuestra Señora de la Almudena. Benediction of the Palms and Procession by the surrounding
streets, followed by a Holy Mass.
Church of San Jaime. Benediction of the Palms and Procession by the streets Santa Faz, Paseo de la Carretera,
Alameda, Mayor and Plaza de San Jaime, followed by a Holy Mass.
Ermita de Sanz. Benediction of the Palms and Procession followed by a Holy Mass.
Nuestra Señora del Mar. Benediction of the Palms and Procession, followed by a Holy Mass.
Church of San Juan Bautista (La Cala). Benediction of the Palms and Procession by the streets Llorca Alòs,
Alfaz del Pi, Santander, Mont-Benidorm, Pajares and Plaza de las Tiendas.
11’30 h. Church of San Francisco de Asís and Ermita de Sanz. Benediction of the Palms and Procession, followed by
a Holy Mass.
12’00 h. Church of El Buen Pastor. Benediction of the Palms and Procession by the surrounding streets, followed by a
Holy Mass.
12’30 h. Nuestra Señora del Carmen Church. Benediction of the Palms and Procession by the surrounding streets,
followed by a Holy Mass.
19´30 h. El Buen Pastor Church. Solemn Procession of Our Father Jesus of Health and Humbleness and Our Lady
of the Hope and Peace escorted by the music band of “La Union Musical de Benidorm”, the musical society
Virgen del Sufragio and the National Police of Benidorm.
Itinerary: Church of El Buen Pastor, Puig Campana, Roldán, Almendros, Mercado, Tomás Ortuño, Limones,
Maravall, Apolo XI, Jazmín, Plaza de España and Puig Campana, to finish back in the Church.
Sunday 24th, Monday 25th and Tuesday 26th of March
19’00 h. Mass and triple duet for Our Father Jesus Nazarene, followed by a Holy Mass. Church of “San Jaime”.
Monday 25th , Tuesday 26th and Wednesday 27th of March
19’30 h. Triple duet for the Christ of the Forgiveness and Good Death and Holy Mass. Church of “Nuestra Señora de la
Wednesday 27th of March, HOLY WEDNESDAY
22’00 h. Solemn Procession by the Brotherhood of Our Father Jesus Nazarene. Church of San Jaime.
Itinerary: Plaza de San Jaime, Mayor, Alameda, Plaza de la Cruz, Ruzafa, La Biga,
Tomás Ortuño, Apolo XI, Almendros, Paseo de la Carretera, Santa Faz and Plaza de San Jaime.
Thursday 28th of March, HOLY THURSDAY
21’00 h. Solemn Procession of the Silence at the Church of “Nuestra Señora de la Almudena” with the
Brotherhoods of the Last Supper, the Christ of the Forgiveness and Good Death and the
Virgin of Sorrow. Itinerary: Church of la Almudena, Ginés Cartagena, Capitán Cortés, Castellana, Velázquez,
Acacias, Goya, Jardines, and Ginés Cartagena, to finish back in the Church.
21’00 h. Solemn Procession of the Brotherhood of Our Lord during his Agony at the Olive Trees Mountain.
San Juan Bautista Church (La Cala). Itinerary: Plaza de las Tiendas, Pajares, Mont-Benidorm, Vicente Llorca
Alòs, Murtal, Santander, Mont-Benidorm, Pajares, Plaza de las Tiendas, to finish back in the Church.
23’00 h. Holy Hour at the Churches of San Jaime, Nuestra Señora del Carmen, San Francisco de Asís and
El Buen Pastor.
24´00 h. Holy Hour at the Church of San Juan Bautista and the Church of Nuestra Señora de la Almudena.
Friday 29th of March, GOOD FRIDAY
07’00 h. Procession from San Jaime Church going to Monte Calvario (Old Graveyard), where the Way of the Cross and
Sermon of the Seven Words will take place.
20’30 h. General Procession of the Holy Burial, with all the Brotherhoods, starting at San Jaime Church.
Itinerary: Plaza de San Jaime, Mayor, Alameda, Los Ángeles, Pintor Lozano, Ricardo,
Martínez Alejos, Paseo de la Carretera, Santa Faz and Plaza de San Jaime.
23’30 h. Way of the Cross. San Juan Bautista Church (La Cala). Brotherhood of Our Lord during his Agony at the
Olive Trees Mountain. Departure from the San Juan Bautista Church going to the Chapel of Our Lady
of the Sea (Tossal).
Sunday 31st of March, EASTER SUNDAY
08’00 h. Procession of the Encounter of the Lord and the Virgin. Departure from San Jaime Church to accompany the
thrones of Our Lord and the Virgin to the Alameda street, for the act of the “Embassy”.
Agradecemos al Ayunatmiento de Benidorm y a HOSBEC que nos hayan faciliado esta información
Un saludo
Hotel El Palmeral, Hotel en la Playa de Benidorm
Telf.: 965 85 01 76