Wednesday 19th of June “PLANTÀ” (setting up) of the Hogueras (Bonfires), at night:
- «El Campo”- Plaza de España
- “La Cala”– Av. Murtal or street Aigües
Saturday 21st of June: 18:30 h. Procession leaving from the Church of San Juan Bautista, through the streets Montbenidorm, Vicente Llorca Alós, Murtal, Santander and Montbenidorm, to finish at the Church. Afterwards Flower Offering, of the “Hoguera La Cala”.
Sunday 22nd of June
12:00 h. Street Parade of the “Hoguera El Campo”, around the city centre.
18:00 h. Opening speech of the Bonfires, at Plaza de España.
Monday 23rd of June
18:00 h. Clowns Parade in the surrounding streets of “Hoguera El Campo”.
Tuesday 24th of June: Saint John´s Day
12:00 h. Mass, in honour of Saint John, at the Church of El Buen Pastor, of the “Hoguera El Campo”.
12:00 h. Mass, in honour of Saint John, at the Church of San Juan Bautista of the “Hoguera ”La Cala”.
13:30 h. Great “Mascletà” (firecrackers sound show) at the Hoguera “La Cala”.
14:00 h. Great “Mascletà” (firecrackers sound show) at the Hoguera “El Campo”.
20:00 h. Street Parade around the city centre.
23:00 h. “Cremà” (burning) of the Children Hoguera “El Campo”.
24:00 h. “Cremà” of the Hoguera “El Campo”.
00:30 h. “Cremà” of the Hoguera “La Cala”.
IMPORTANT: the Saint John´s Comission has the right to modify or cancel any acts if it is considered necessary.