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03502 – BENIDORM


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Fallas 2013: Activity programme in Benidorm

Mar 15, 2013

«PLANTÁ» (setting up) of the Falla:
Falla Benidorm: Plaza de la Hispanidad.
Falla Rincón: Av. Ametlla de Mar (opposite Burguer King).
Falla Els Tolls: Tomás Ortuño street.

SATURDAY 16TH MARCH: Commemoration of the Founding of the Virgin.
05:30 h. At dawn, air bombing, bell ringing and prayer to the Virgin of the Suffrage, at Plaza de San Jaime. Then there will be a procession of the Virgin around the Old Town and a visit to the beaches, to end with the traditional verse to the Virgin. When that ends, there will be chocolate and cake for all the people present.
10:00 h. Solemn Mass in the Church of Saint James.
18:00 h. SOLEMN PARADE AND FLOWER OFFERING to the Virgin of the Suffrage.
ITINERARY: Parque de Elche, Paseo de la Carretera, Plaza de la Cruz, Alameda, Mayor street and Plaza San Jaime. Afterwards, they will sing the traditional “Copletes” and the Infant Queen 2013 will recite a verse in honour to the Virgin. When that ends, there will be a FIREWORK DISPLAY, at Plaza Castelar.

10:30 h. Band Parade, by the streets around the Falla “Rincón de Loix”.
11:00 h. Parade of Falla “Els Tolls, around their quarter.
12:00 h. Parade of Falla “Rincón de Loix” to visit Falla “Benidorm” and then, both Fallas, will go visit the Falla “Els Tolls”.
17:30 h. Parade of Falla “Els Tolls” to visit Falla “Benidorm” and, afterwards, both Fallas will go visit the Falla “Rincón de Loix”.
20:00 h. Concert by the A.C.R “La Barqueta”, in the Church of Saint James, in honour of the Virgin of the Suffrage.

08:00. «DESPERTÀ» (everyone will wake up with the sound of firecrackers), in the streets surrounding the “Falla Rincón de Loix.”
12:00 h. Parade, of the three Fallas members, around their quarter.
18:00 h. FLOWER OFFERING to the Virgin of the Suffrage and Saint James, with the participation of the three Fallas Commissions. They will meet at Av. Europa / Av. Mediterráneo.
ITINERARY: Av. Mediterráneo, Plaza de la Hispanidad, Gambo, Alameda, Mayor and Plaza de San Jaime.
There will be a BIG FIREWORK DISPLAY after the offering.

TUESDAY 19TH MARCH: Saint Joseph´s Day
08:00 – 08:30 h. «DESPERTÀ», on the streets surrounding the three Fallas.
12:00 h. Religious service, in honour of Saint Joseph.
Falla Els Tolls: Buen Pastor Church.
Falla Rincón: Nuestra Señora del Mar Church.
13:00 h. Falla “Benidorm”. Religious service, in honour of Saint Joseph, at Saint James Church.
14:00 h. MAGNIFICENT «MASCLETÁ» (firecrackers sound show) at Falla “Benidorm” (Plaza de la Hispanidad).
18:00 h. BIG PARADE OF FLOATS, with the participation of the three Fallas Commissions. ITINERARY: Marqués de Comillas, Almendros, Marte, Venus, Ruzafa and Martínez Alejos avenue.
23:00 h. «CREMÁ» (Bonfire) of the children Fallas: Benidorm, Rincón and Els Tolls.
00:00 h. «CREMÁ» of Falla Rincón de Loix.
00:30 h. «CREMÁ» of Falla Benidorm.
01:00 h. «CREMÁ» of Falla Els Tolls.

Best regards
Hotel El Palmeral,
Telf.: 965 85 01 76

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