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Benidorm: Programme of Major Patro Siant festivites 2012

Nov 7, 2012

18:00 h. OFFICIAL OPENING OF THE ARTISTIC STREET LIGHTING, on Martínez Alejos street, by our Queen Miss. Andrea Ripoll Llorca and our infant Queen the Girl Andrea Nieto Carrillo, accompanied by a group of musicians of the prestigious Union Musical of Benidorm.
18:30 h. OPENING OF THE FAIRGROUND. NOTE: Traditional children´s day. Popular prices.
22:30 h. ENTRY OF THE PEÑAS. Parade of the “Peñas”, down Ruzafa and Martínez Alejos streets.
10:00 h. HOLY MASS, at the Parish Church of Saint James and Saint Ann, in honor to our sublime Patron Saint the VIRGEN DEL SUFRAGIO (OUR LADY OF SUFFRAGE), sung by “ A.R.C. La Barqueta”.
11:45 h. OPENING OF DOORS of the SAINT JAMES AND SAINT ANN´S CHURCH,to sing the Verses to Our Lady of Suffrage.
12:15 h. PARADE OF THE PRESTIGIOUS MUSIC BANDS, starting at Plaza de San Jaime.
13:00 h. CONCENTRATION OF BRASS BANDS, at the Plaza SS.MM. Los Reyes de España, where they will all play “FIESTA EN BENIDORM”.
17:00 h. STAGING OF THE FINDING OF OUR PATRON SAINT the VIRGEN DEL SUFRAGIO, represented on the Poniente Beach by the group of actors of the  A.R.C. “La Barqueta”. Afterwards, AIR BOMBING displayed by Pirofantasía Carlos Caballer
17:30 h.Parade of our prestigious and beloved, “Unión Musical de Benidorm”.
18:00 h. SOLEMN PILGRIMAGE, with the following itinerary: Parque de Elche, Paseo de la Carretera, Alameda del Alcalde D. Pedro Zaragoza Orts, Calle Mayor and Plaza de San Jaime. At the arrival of the Pilgrimage to the Church of Saint James and Saint Ann, we will carry out the FLORAL OFFERING TO OUR LADY OF SUFFRAGE, where all the participants will draw the symbols of our city and our festivities.
Once finished, the OFFICIAL OPENING SPEECH of the 2012 Patron Saint Festivities will take place, given by Mr. MATÍAS PÉREZ SUCH.
As a finishing touch, there will be a magnificent DISPLAY OF FIREWORKS at Plaza Castelar, displayed by Pirofantasía Carlos Caballer.
00:30 BIG CONCERT, at the Julio Iglesias auditorium, of MELENDI, singer and writer of Spanish-rumba mixed with pop and rock.
08:00 h. AIR BOMBING from the Plaza del Castillo.
10:30 h. Spectacular RELEASE OF HEIFERS, at the Bullring, by the company Viza-Arte y Emoción.
From 11:00 to 14:00 h. BIG CHILDREN’S PARK, at Plaza SS.MM. Los Reyes de España.
11:30 h. SOLEMN MASS IN HONOR OF OUR PATRON SAINT OUR LADY OF SUFFRAGE, in the Church of Saint James and Saint Ann. The Benidorm Choir will sing ”II Pontifical del Laurentius Perosi presbítero”. AIR BOMBING, at the exit of Mass.
From 13:00 to 14:00 h. Beer-tasting,courtesy of Cruz Campo Beer (until en of stock) at the Plaza SS.MM. Los Reyes de España.                               
14:00 h. DIGITAL SUPER FIRECRACKER DISPLAY (MASCLETÀ), at Plaza de la Hispanidad, by Pirofantasía Carlos Caballer.
17:00 h. EXTRAORDINARY CONCERT, by the prestigious and beloved “UNIÓN MUSICAL DE BENIDORM”, at Gambo street.
17:00 h. II National Contest of “Recortadores”. Afterwards, release of heifers, for all the public. Price: 5€.
19:00 h. SOLEMN PROCESSION in honor of OUR LADY OF SUFFRAGE, with the following itinerary: Calle Mayor, Alameda del Alcalde D. Pedro Zaragoza Orts, Los Ángeles, Pintor Lozano, Virgen del Sufragio, Martínez Alejos, Paseo de la Carretera, Santa Faz and Plaza de San Jaime. At the end of the Procession, the typicalESTAMPETA (fireworks) will be fired for Our Lady of Suffrage, at Plaza de San Jaime. Inside the temple, all of the Sailors of the Virgin will sing la “Salve Marinera” (Nautical Salve).
23:00 h. At Plaza de San Jaime, the traditional COPLETESin honour of Our Lady of Suffrage, will be sung, accompanied by “ Xirimita i Tabalet” (pipe and drum). Following this, the NIT D’ALBAES, will take place around the Old Town.
23:30 h. The 2012 Patron Saint Festivites Committee “BATUKADAS”, will parade through the most central streets of the city.
00:00 h. LOCAL POP-ROCK Nights, with the groups MALDITA ILUSIÓN and LOKOS DE ATAR at Tomás Ortuño street-Huerto de Colón.
00:30 h. The Patron Saint Festivities Committee will organize, the BIGGEST GIN TONIC WORLD RECORD, at plaza SSMM Los Reyes de España
and even more … the “40 PRINCIPALES” will provide entertainment, with an extraordinary musical evening.
08:00 h. AIR BOMBING from Plaza del Castillo.
From 11:00 to 14:00 h. BIG CHILDREN’S PARK, at Plaza de SSMM Los Reyes de España.
11:30 h. SOLEMN MASS, IN HONOR OF OUR PATRON SAINT JAMES, at the Church of Saint James and Saint Ann. The Benidorm Choir, will perform the “I Pontifical del Laurentius Perosi presbítero”. AIR BOMBING, at the exit of Mass.
12:30 h. “PUFF, EL DRAGÓN”. Street theater show, highly participatory for all the children at the Plaza de SSMM Los Reyes de España.
From 13:00 to 14:00 h. Beer-tasting,courtesy of Cruz Campo Beer, (until en of stock) at the Plaza SS.MM. Los Reyes de España.                                
14:00 h. DIGITAL SUPER FIRECRACKER DISPLAY, at Plaza de la Hispanidad, by the prestigious “Pirofantasía Carlos Caballer”.
19:00 h. SOLEMN PROCESSION in honor to our PATRON SAINT SAINT JAMES, with the following itinerary: Calle Mayor, Alameda del Alcalde D. Pedro Zaragoza Orts, Paseo de la Carretera, Santa Faz y Plaza de San Jaime. At the end of the Procession, the typical ESTAMPETA,will be fired, in honor of Saint James. Inside the temple, our Patron Saints’ hynm will be sung.
00:00 h. ORCHESTRA, sponsored by the “Asociación de Penyas”, at Tomás Ortuño street- Huerto de Colón.
00:30 h. SUPER-DJ’s NIGHT with FONSI NIETO (former motorcycle racer and current DJ), Oscar L. and other big DJ’s from the area and with surprise performances, at the plaza SSMM Los Reyes de España.
08:00 h. AIR BOMBING, from the Plaza del Castillo.
10:30 h. REQUIEM MASS as suffrage of the souls of all the deceased of Benidorm, at the Church of Saint James and Saint Ann.
After the mass, a Crown of Laurel will be offered to the monument to the fallen at sea, at the Plaza de la Señoría.
From 11:00 to 14:00 h. BIG CHILDREN’S PARK at the Plaza de SSMM Los Reyes de España
12:00 h. RONALD MCDONALD’S performance, with games and prizes, at the Plaza de SSMM Los Reyes de España, sponsored by McDonalds
12:30 h. SARDINADA (sardine barbeque), at Rincón de Loix. Entertainment provided by one of our prestigious bands.
From 13:00 to 14:00 h. Beer-tasting,courtesy of Cruz Campo Beer, (until en of stock) at the Plaza SS.MM. Los Reyes de España.                                
14:00 h. DIGITAL SUPER FIRECRACKER DISPLAY, at Plaza de la Hispanidad, displayed by the prestigious “Pirofantasía Carlos Caballer”.
17:00 h. Show “VERBENA INFANTIL” de Pampol Teatre, Mario Caballero at Tomás Ortuño street- Huerto de Colón.
19:00 h. BIG HUMOUR PARADE organized by “Asociación de Penyas” with the following itinerary: Venus, Ruzafa, Martínez Alejos and Gambo streets.
23:00 h EXTRAORDINARY MIXED (firecracker/fireworks) DIGITAL DISPLAY, by “Pirofantasía Carlos Caballer” at Plaza de la Hispanidad..
00:30 h. BIG CONCERT, at plaza de SSMM Los Reyes de España, of NANCYS RUBIAS, punk, pop, glam and electronic musical group.
After the concert, SPECTACULAR CORREFOC, by XARXA TEATRE, with the following route: Plaza de S.S.M.M los Reyes de España, Avda L’Aigüera, Hondo, Ruzafa, Plaza La Creu, Alameda Pedro Zaragoza, Malpás, Plaza San Jaime, Avda. Mare de Deu del Sofratge (Playa), Martínez Alejos, Herrerías; great final show at Plaza del Ayuntamiento (SSMM Los Reyes de España).
08:00 h. AIR BOMBING, from the Plaza del Castillo.
11:00 h. CHILDREN’S DAY. BIG CHILDREN’S PARK at the Plaza de SSMM Los Reyes de España
11:30 h. FESTA DE LES FESTES. Parade of the different festivities entities, from Plaza de Neptuno to Plaza SSMM Los Reyes de España.
12:30 h. Performance “Debajo de un botón” (Under a button), of RATOLINS. Musical theater show, at the  Plaza de SSMM Los Reyes de España.
When it is finished, there will be a 200M FIRECRACKES OF SWEETS AND A CHILDREN´S MASCLETÀ.
17:30 h. GRAND PARADE OF FLOATS. Itinerary: Almendros, Marte, Venus, Ruzafa, Martínez Alejos and Gambo, ending at Plaza de la Hispanidad.
At the end of the parade, GRAND, SPECTACULAR AND NOVEL FIREWORKS DISPLAY, at the Playa de Poniente, by Pirofantasía Carlos Caballer.
Os desemaos unas felices fiestas Patronales
Un saludo
Telf.: 965 850 176

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